9/6/2024 8:44:33 AM The Virtual Grid transition By Stephen Robinson September marks a historic moment for the UK, and I'm not just referring to my 35th birthday (it's on 19th in case you were wondering)....
9/5/2024 12:24:57 PM ‘A big win and a clear comeback’: industry reacts to CfD AR6 results By Ross Hoare The latest Contracts for Difference results are undoubtedly a success for the UK renewables industry. 131 renewable energy project...
8/30/2024 9:42:04 AM Britain’s unusual stance on Chinese electric vehicles By David Hunt There is no point closing the gate, when the horse has already bolted! That seems to be an understanding the British have, that the US...
8/5/2024 11:36:32 AM Ocean floors - the next environmental battle ground? By Wolfgang Kick Whilst the discussion about the consequences of climate change above the sea surface is quite prominent, the question what the ocean...
8/2/2024 9:21:26 AM World’s largest vertical rooftop PV system deployed on Norway’s national football stadium By Ross Hoare Is this the future of flat roof solar? There are many instances where commercial roofs require low-weight solutions. In the UK, Solivus...
7/31/2024 12:56:48 PM No planet B - but do we care? By Wolfgang Kick It`s that rime of the year when we are reminded that there is no planet B - and yet it seems we don`t really pay attention. Tomorrow...
7/29/2024 11:33:13 AM Renewables vs fossil fuels - is it a level playing field? By Wolfgang Kick One of the aspects that are really hard to compare and get right when comparing renewable vs fossil energy is the total cost of each of...
7/26/2024 2:07:20 PM How Green is Your Energy Supplier? By Stephen Robinson Firstly, as an Octopus Energy customer, I've closely watched the company's rapid rise over the years. Their commitment to renewables is...
7/26/2024 9:52:11 AM ‘Minimal’ land required for renewables expansion in Europe By Ross Hoare The latest report from the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) says that just 2.2% of the EU's total land is required for sufficient wind...
7/26/2024 9:49:35 AM UK Home Energy Storage on the Rise By David Beeston Promising data coming out on the UK domestic installations of cleaner energy technologies so far in 2024 - whether it be Solar PV panels,...
7/26/2024 8:50:35 AM What does GB Energy mean for climate tech? By David Hunt Having a Government that isn't ideologically opposed to renewables is quite refreshing after 14 years. That's an understatement, it's...
7/24/2024 9:43:42 AM Kamala Harris for president - and what it could mean for renewables in the US? By Wolfgang Kick It`s very early days but it looks like Kamala Harris will be the Democrats´ candidate for the upcoming election in the US. And one of...