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World’s largest vertical rooftop PV system deployed on Norway’s national football stadium

Is this the future of flat roof solar? 

There are many instances where commercial roofs require low-weight solutions. In the UK, Solivus have installed their lightweight solar solutions on sports stadia and other commercial roofs.  This article showcases the new vertical solar solution from Over Easy Solar in Norway. According to their research, their vertical solar solution produces significantly more energy compared to regular flat roof solar solutions. 

A really interesting point is the fact that they are much less susceptible to a drop in production as a result of snowfall due to the panels being vertical and not near horizontal which normally leads to snow settling on the panels. This could therefore be an ideal solution for countries in Northern Europe. Having a range of solar solutions to suit different conditions is so important for mass adoption. Over Easy Solar are definitely a company to keep an eye on.

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Over Easy Solar says analysis from its pilot projects found vertical solar panels can achieve more than 20% to 30% higher specific yield than traditional flat roof solutions. The vertical panels also yield increased performance during winter due to less snow coverage.


renewable energy, solar