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| 1 minute read

How BESS can save the EU billions!

Show me the money!

Those of a certain age will remember the famous Jerry Maguire line. I often think of this when discussing the merits of renewables and energy storage with clients. Often clients tell me that one of the core challenges is convincing financers or those outside the industry, on the merits of “going green”. Rolling out technology specs and a bunch of acronyms sometimes doesn't cut it. Sometimes you need to break it down to simple financial terms… Show me the money!

This excellent analysis by Ember highlights the HUGE monetary benefits we could see by ramping up our BESS deployments. Focused on the EU, but applicable globally, the impact BESS can have on not only reducing curtailment costs but also alleviating the reliance on expensive gas generation, is enormous.

Quite simply, who can argue against potentially €9 billion per year in reduced costs?!

Hyperion Executive Search supports Energy Storage and Grid clients to recruit senior and executive leadership talent, who can help their companies to grow significantly. If you're a leader of a Energy Storage & Grid company looking to expand or transform your leadership team, contact me at to discuss how we can support you.


The EU could save €9 billion (US$10 billion) a year in gas costs by deploying BESS to capture excess wind and solar


cleantech, batteries, energy storage, grid