10/14/2024 9:19:56 AM The future of buildings and the co-working industry By David Hunt Two of my favourite topics, smart working (remote/hybrid) and Smart Buildings. Despite high profile RTO mandates from the likes of Tesla,...
10/9/2024 1:02:47 PM New 4 day week rules set to change in the UK. Are you ready? By David Beeston Flexibility is now one of, if not the most, important consideration for most professionals we speak to when looking for their next career...
10/4/2024 8:52:18 AM How BESS can save the EU billions! By David Beeston Show me the money! Those of a certain age will remember the famous Jerry Maguire line. I often think of this when discussing the merits...
10/2/2024 11:05:00 AM Hiring a NED can transform your business By Stephen Robinson Having supported a number of start-ups in hiring Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) over the last few years, I've witnessed first-hand the...
10/2/2024 10:09:16 AM Europe's focus on implementation. Play to your Strengths! By David Beeston In recent years there has been a lot of encouraging policy and regulatory change, especially around market design reforms, to help...