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‘A big win and a clear comeback’: industry reacts to CfD AR6 results

The latest Contracts for Difference results are undoubtedly a success for the UK renewables industry. 131 renewable energy project received contracts to be built over the next five years. Offshore wind (6GW) and solar (3.3GW) were the main winners in this year's auction. The CfD process is clearly a mechanism that is working very well to help secure the renewable energy capacity required to achieve our net zero goals. 

One topic this round up article touches on is the creation of green jobs. With over 12GW of capacity to build out, this will certainly boost jobs in this sector, however, there's a trick being missed if we cannot fully capitalise on the opportunity to manufacture in the UK, in particular wind turbine parts. This certainly needs to be part of the Government's plan on maximising the potential of the green economy. Offshore wind is rapidly going to become our main source of electricity so securing local supply chains and manufacturing presents a huge opportunity for our economy and job creation.  

“Offshore wind already generates 17% of the UK’s electricity and with Government targets to quadruple capacity, it will become the backbone of our energy future. It is set to deliver major knock-on benefits for the economy and unleash a new wave of green jobs and growth.


talent, cleantech, climate tech, grid, renewable energy, solar