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How employers can break down generational echo chambers at work

We've always been strong advocates of the multiple benefits of a diverse team and workforce. Typically though most people consider, or think only of gender and ethnicity when talking about diversity. But I believe we miss a trick if we don ‘t also open our businesses up to talents from all spectrums of society. Age is discussed in this article. I think it is really bizarre how companies, and individuals can’t see the collective and individual benefit of engaging with people who have the most experiences, the most successes and the most mistakes to learn from. Us oldies! (at 54 do I qualify for that ‘label’?)

Did no one watch the Robert De Niro film the Intern!!!

There is a strong and deeply embedded bias against those over 40 still. Show me a job advert or job description that doesn't claim to be from a young and dynamic company. Frequently from organisations that are far from dynamic.  The Oxford English dictionary offer this description under Dynamic’; - (of a person) positive in attitude and full of energy and new ideas:   I see many chronologically young people bereft of either, and many a ‘mature’ person smashing it out of the park. 

Don't embrace diversity for ethical reasons, though it is the only ethical thing to do, it's also just bloody good sense, in life and in business.

If you want support building a diverse team, we can help.

Today’s workplaces are more generationally diverse than ever before, with five distinct cohorts represented. But the emergence of generational echo chambers is preventing businesses from capitalising on the diversity of thought that is present within their workforces. Recent research from LinkedIn found that only one in five members of generation Z (those aged under 27) have spoken to someone over the age of 50 at work in the past year, while 44% of over-55s have avoided conversations with the youngest generation.


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