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All aboard Mission Solar! 2024: Solar For Europe

260GW of solar installed in Europe to date. Proud to be responsible for installing a good many MW of this with my previous solar EPC business, long ago when we still discussed MWs. Even more proud of the work we do at Hyperion Executive Search to support our solar clients (and energy storage and future mobility). Solar has a special place in my heart since founding the solar business in 2007. 

It's great to see this Mission for Solar in Europe (full manifesto downloadable via the link). Solar is global, as is climate change, but it is vital we reshore much of our solar and storage manufacturing to Europe. This is something I discussed with Davor Sutija, CEO of European wafer scale up Nexwafe. You can listen to the Leaders in Cleantech podcast on all pod platforms, and on YouTube

On Monday 29th April I'll be speaking at, and attending Solar and Storage Live in London, and of course will be at Intersolar. If you have needs to scale your solar business, let's have a coffee.


The solar sector has been on an incredible journey the past few years. We have witnessed amazing growth, with a record 56 GW of solar PV installed in Europe in 2023 – that's almost 17 million more European homes powered by the sun.    To ensure that solar continues on this trajectory, and beyond, we have published our #SolarForEurope Manifesto highlighting five priorities for the EU energy agenda in the next five years. Solar for climate, competitiveness, people, energy security, and nature.


c-suite, investment, leadership, cleantech, climate tech, energy storage, renewable energy, solar