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Navigating the Finance Talent Landscape in Uncertain Times

From major bank collapses to rising rates and geopolitical tensions, 2023 brought a rapidly changing business landscape for professionals and organisations in the financial sector. As we approach 2024, the financial sector is gearing up for another challenging year. My synopsis for the next year's projection can be summed up as follows: ‘Equal Difficulty for Candidates AND Companies Hiring Top Finance Talent due to Economic Uncertainty.’

The second half of 2023 has already given us a glimpse of what to expect in 2024. Economic uncertainty is casting its shadow, making it equally challenging for finance talent to find new opportunities and for companies to secure these sought-after individuals

What can we anticipate in the year ahead?

  • Talent Loyalty: Top-notch professionals in finance are showing a growing inclination to stay put with their current employers. In uncertain times, stability and a familiar environment are often valued more than external opportunities.
  • Compensation Caution: Companies, aware of the economic risks, may hesitate to offer significant pay raises to attract top talent. They're likely to be more selective and prudent in their financial decisions.

In this delicate balance, both candidates and hiring companies will need to adapt and evolve. Candidates should focus on enhancing their skill sets, staying agile, and demonstrating their value to potential employers. 

On the other hand, companies should craft compelling value propositions, fostering a culture of growth and innovation. As we move into 2024, I think resilience, flexibility, and strategic thinking will be the keys to success in the finance hiring landscape. 


From major bank collapses to rising rates and geopolitical tensions, 2023 brought a rapidly changing business landscape for professionals and organisations in the financial sector. As we approach 2024, the financial sector is gearing up for another challenging year. My synopsis for the next year's projection can be summed up as follows: ‘Equal Difficulty for Candidates AND Companies Hiring Top Finance Talent due to Economic Uncertainty.’


c-suite, candidates, careers, hiring, leadership, retention, talent