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| 1 minute read

Climate activists - how far can you go and what is the smart thing to do?

Now, we are all passionate about climate change - well most of us.

And I agree that - even though it might not be convenient - saving this planet won`t be entirely possible without changing our lifestyle - and making some sacrifices (sorry liberal voters in Germany  - I don`t think just being technology open and trusting the market will cut it).

However, I do think think that some actions and campaigns do more harm in the long run than good for our cause.

And in my humble opinion, blocking major airports at the start of the holiday season is one of those ideas. 

Yes air traffic is a major contributor to CO2 emissions. And yes, we should fly less. And yes, flights for €30 return from Frankfurt to Greece are not the way to safe the planet. 

BUT - we won`t win the majority of hard working people for our cause if we ruin their hard earned and well deserved 2 week holiday by blocking a runway.  For a sustainable (no punt intended) and long term change in our behaviours we need to win over the majority of people - and ruining their holiday won`t make them jump with joy when they hear “we must fight climate change”.


Klimaaktivisten legen für mehrere Stunden Flugverkehr in Frankfurt lahm


airtraffic, green aviation, future mobility, climate tech, cleantech