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Do employees still want stock options?

From this in-depth survey from Sifted, it certainly seems so. This reflects with our own experiences at Hyperion Executive Search. 95% of our clients are VC backed post-investment start-ups and scale-ups. When headhunting for our clients, stock options isn't the first question candidates ask, but it is certainly up there. Once there is an alignment on mission and sector, package comes up, and options is always a question.  The lessons for founders, as this survey shows are

  • Options are a great attraction and retention tool.
  • Too few companies explain how they work, what ongoing valuations are, and what the aspirational valuation is. In short, how much could employees make, and how do they actualise the value of their shares.

For more on what motivates great talent to join your start-ups or scale-up, reach out to me or one of our team. These are conversations we have with top talent every single day.


The promise of stock options does incentivise people to join European startups.  Our survey found that of the 91.9% of respondents who have stock options, more than two-thirds (67%) wouldn’t have joined their company if they weren’t offered them, compared to 33% who said they would.


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