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“We are going to make mistakes, that’s just the nature of innovation and pushing boundaries,”

There are many similarities between elite sport and the world of start-ups. Stress is high, marginal gains important, mistakes are made, and culture is absolutely king. It's easy to see and say that Formula One is an extreme and unlike anything else, but it is it? In some ways of course, but just reading this short article reminded me of the many similarities as expressed by our start-up clients, and my own experiences of building companies and teams.  In a start-up/scale-up environment the stakes are high, much is expected from your employees, over and above what most are willing to give (and that's fair enough, everyone makes their own choices). This makes hiring the right people, and creating the right culture so critical to success.

Mistakes and errors happen, your culture will determine whether that leads to your failure or your success.

To help staff manage the “extreme highs and lows” of working in F1, McLaren promotes a “no-blame” culture. “We are going to make mistakes, that’s just the nature of innovation and pushing boundaries,” Gallo says. “It’s about owning those mistakes and viewing failure as an opportunity to learn, adapt, apply and then go again.”


c-suite, culture, high performance, hiring, leadership, retention, talent, cleantech, climate tech