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| 1 minute read

Self management - some interesting thoughts on mental traps

I know what you are thinking - not another self optimisation and management post!

But don`t judge too early. This article had some very practical - and I found useful tools to be more productive in your job and as an individual in general.

The authors of the study have named four big factors that prevent people from reaching their full potential:

  • Habits
  • Pessimism
  • Chronic lack of time and 
  • Comfortable satisfaction

Whilst we probably all have experienced some aspects of all the above mental traps, to me the one that I come across the most is my perceived chronic lack of time.

Especially when stepping into a C-suite or management position, it is important to not only react to problems but also initiate new changes. One of the ways to tackle this perceived lack of time is to put more trust in other people and processes. By letting go of the reins of some tasks, you gain time. You can use this time to eliminate inefficiencies within your area of ​​responsibility, for example. You can question unproductive meetings and streamline processes. This gives you even more time to optimize other processes.

I would be curious to see what other people think about these mental traps?



work culture, self management, self optimisation, c-suite, careers, high performance, leadership, talent