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What it takes to build the perfect finance team

This is an excellent short article on the challenges of building the finance team you need, not least as it features a client. Seriously though, finding and hiring great CFO's and senior finance professionals is harder than ever. What they are required to do is becoming ever more complex. Looking at the matter of finance talent strategically is the key. Build the team with the requisite skills, personality and experience relevant to your stage of growth. In finance particularly, how important is industry experience, verses for example, experience fundraising, or in international expansion, or R&D tax regimes?  

A Hyperion we hire strategically important roles, by working with the founding/leadership teams of our clients, to understand the broader picture and challenges. Whether that's finance, operations, sales or engineering.

For more on how we do this, speak to one of our team.


Demand has surged for finance professionals with skills in data analysis and forecasting – and knowledge of the tech that powers them. But talent with the necessary strategy and technical skills is getting harder to come by. In response, finance leaders are turning their attention to strategic hiring, whereby they look for candidates with experience that is more closely aligned with wider business goals, such as digital transformation or overseas expansion. More than half (57%) of CFOs say in the next 12 to 18 months they plan to hire in specific areas to drive growth, according to a 2024 PwC Pulse Survey.


executivesearch, finance, csuite, c-suite, culture, high performance, hiring, leadership, retention, talent, cleantech, climate tech