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Attention Founders: Are you fundraise-ready?

One of the biggest challenges many start-up founders face is fundraising. Considerations like approach, timing, and investor selection can be such a headache. Often founders don't know where to start, leave fundraising too late, aren't diligent enough in the selection process and end up giving too much away to the wrong investor, or on the other hand, become so obsessed they spend far too much time on it and become overwhelmed and overworked which can be detrimental to their business.

Cash is king and 90% of start-ups never make it past year one, often because they burn through cash too quickly and/or have no fundraising strategy in place. 

The right time for funding could always be now and start-ups and scale-ups should always be prepared at the earliest point.

As this article suggests, tech is increasingly playing an important part in attracting investment, easing the burden on fundraising and keeping investors updated on when major company milestones are met. Investing in the right people however can have a much greater impact towards achieving your fundraising goals and ultimately reaching your growth objectives.

Consider appointing a non-exec, advisor or fractional leader with a knack and track record securing investment and scaling business. Perhaps someone who has been there, worn the t-shirt and has battle scars of taking a start-up from seed to exit. Perhaps a well-connected industry powerhouse armed with a directory of investor contacts in your space. Often these resources have made their money but still have a burning desire to share their expertise and wisdom with the next cohort of innovators and disruptors for the greater good. You just need to know where to find them. 

At Hyperion Executive Search, we collaborate with numerous cleantech start-up founders tackling the fundraising challenge, sourcing exceptional individuals to spearhead their growth. To learn more about our work and experience in this space, please get in touch with myself or a member of the team. 

If there’s one thing on every founder’s mind, it has to be funding. Whether it’s getting enough seed capital to build a prototype, scaling up from Series A to Series B or raising in between rounds to meet runway needs, there’s always a next stage to consider, connections to make and conversations to have.


leadership, investment, cleantech, climate tech, emobility, future mobility