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PFW STATE OF THE NATION 2023 & Conference

I'm delighted to be heading to London tomorrow to moderate and participate in the Powerful Women conference, addressing Gender inequality in the Energy sector. Of course so much good work is being done, and I'm sure we'll shine a light on that, but there is also much to be done, and we'll be sure not to dodge some tough truths and questions. You can join the conference online, the live event is sold out. 

As someone that has been and is blessed to be surrounded by so many strong women, at home and at work I'm proud, if a little nervous, to be invited to participate in this event. 

We work very hard at Hyperion Executive Search to provide diverse shortlists for our clients, and to improve our own diversity, a work in progress always. Presently we have five nationalities in our team of 10, a 60/40 gender mix, and ages range from mid 20's to mid 60's. We're also improving our ethnic diversity. Let's all be relentless in creating companies and cultures that reflect the wonderful diversity of our societies. 

If gender diverse shortlists are key to your hiring plans, reach out to the team.

Launched in 2014, POWERful Women (PfW) is a professional initiative to create a gender-balanced, diverse and inclusive UK energy sector. Working with business leaders, D&I experts, government, the regulators and aspiring women, we want to accelerate change so that we have diverse talent for the energy transition.


gender, diversity, energy, c-suite, candidates, careers, culture, high performance, hiring, interviews, retention, talent, teams, cleantech, climate tech