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UK on track to add 1.7 GWp-dc of solar PV in 2023

Very positive news today that the UK is on track for a 7 year high in annual solar deployment. As the pipeline for utility projects continues to grow, predictions of a 3GW market in 2024 look solid. It's not since the FiT and ROC subsidy days that the solar sector looked so buoyant in the UK. Those were certainly crazy times chasing installation deadlines for everyone in the sector (I lost a lot of hair as proof!). The sector has massively matured over time to now playing an increasingly significant role in our energy mix.  

Our leadership team have been working in the European solar industry since it's infancy and have ridden the many highs and lows. If you're growing your solar business and require expertise in recruiting the best leadership talent, please get in touch. 

The UK solar industry is set to add an additional 1.7 GWp-dc of new solar PV capacity in 2023, continuing its post-subsidy, which includes feed-in-tariffs (FiTs) and renewable obligation certificates (ROCs), growth phase towards being a multi-GW market over the next few years, according to the latest research findings from the Solar Media Market Research team.


cleantech, renewable energy, solar, hiring