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Job hunting in a challenging market

I came across this insightful article on Sifted from Sequoia's VP of talent Zoe Hewitt that discusses the challenges of the current tech job market. The article specifically addresses tech roles but many of the points and advice it offers can be applied to other industries as well, including the EV charging industry.

The tech job market, like the EV industry, is experiencing a period of flux. Both industries are facing rapid growth, but also significant challenges. In tech, the over-hiring frenzy of the pandemic has led to a more competitive job market. And it is the same in the EV industry, though the need for leaders to develop growth strategies and the for skilled workers to build and maintain charging infrastructure is increasing rapidly.

So, in a market where senior roles are scarce but talent is in abundance, as it very much is in the EV industry, how can the learnings and advice from from the tech world support you in securing a new role? Here are a few key takeaways thanks to Zoe:

  • Focus on growth areas: In both tech and EV, certain areas are experiencing more growth than others. Identify these areas and tailor your job search accordingly. Think about how your skills apply and how you can position yourself ahead of your competitors. 
  • Be targeted, but flexible: I get you may want to work or stay within the EV sector and whilst it's important to be focused in your job search, don't be afraid to consider alternative options or locations where your skills can align. Could your experience apply to other areas across the wider energy sector i.e. storage, solar, grid.
  • Differentiate yourself: In a competitive market, it's essential to stand out. Highlight your unique skills and experiences and put yourself out there. Mix in the right circles, connect with key individuals within the organisations that appeal to you and be visible. 
  • Stay proactive and resilient: The job search can be challenging, but it's important to remain persistent and positive. Don't let one poor or unsuccessful interview process deter nor define you. Learn from it, push for feedback (easier said than done these days) and go after the next one.

And I'd personally add a few additional words of advice:

  • Be diligent: Listen to your gut. If a job offer comes with an obscene salary/package, far greater than your current package and the market average, question it. Chances are, it is tagged with unrealistic expectations and you'll be setting yourself up to fail.
  • Do your research: If a company appeals to you or better still, you secure an interview with them, be sure to check out its history. Average tenure, credibility and success in the market, strength of leadership team, investment and backing. Last thing you want to do is join a company that promises the earth and talks a good game but in reality, their pipeline of business is zero, their cash runway is limited and they have a retention (and attraction) issue.

I could go on, but these are just a few things that spring to mind. It's a tough market right now and now more than ever due to restructuring, investment delays, cashflow issues and so on, many exceptional candidates are in need of a new opportunity but at the same time, are finding it tough to navigate such a competitive market. Hopefully this helps if you are in that boat.

At Hyperion Executive Search, the vast majority of the candidates we typically work with and help are not actively on the job market and are not seeking a new challenge. They are busy doing the best they can for their present employer. Usually, they will have a frustration or two that isn’t being addressed in their workplace. 

On the flip side, of course sometimes things happen that are unforeseen – redundancies, relocations, dramatic changes in working conditions, that move a candidate from ‘passive’ to ‘active’. Of course, we work with these candidates too, doing our best to find them better opportunities. 

Importantly, we know who the best candidates are as we spend the time engaging the market daily. We get under the skin to understand the wants, needs, motivations and the value that key talents can bring. As a candidate, if we can help you, please get in touch with myself or  a member of the team. As a client, please do the same and let us help you find the very best there is to support your growth objectives. I'm contactable on stephen.robinson@hyperionsearch.










Hiring decisions are now far more deliberate, and the abundance of high-quality job opportunities that once existed has diminished. Inflated titles and compensation are no more — creating a gap between job seekers' expectations and the actual availability of senior roles, leaving many in a state of limbo.


hiring, talent, careers, emobility, future mobility