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The sky's the limit for sustainable aviation

Whilst my family WhatsApp group was flooded with cute images of my Niece and Nephew enjoying their summer holiday in the Middle East this morning, I came across this insightful Sifted Talks article which takes a deep dive into what is being done to decarbonize our airports and the start-ups leading the way. 

Growing up, I was lucky to get abroad perhaps once every 4-5 years with my parents as we relied solely on the income of my Dad whilst my Mum battled with a chronic illness. Nowadays, perhaps even more so since the pandemic, families are jetting off 2,3,4 times per year and our airports have grown to become such economic powerhouses. As such, the increase in global travel and the alarming contribution to global emissions as a result has sparked a pressing need for change. 

This article delves into the challenges and solutions surrounding airport decarbonization. Key industry leaders discuss the urgency of the issue, highlighting the lack of a quick fix whilst exploring potential solutions such as sustainable energy sources and optimized infrastructure at our airports.

What is clear is the role that start-ups can play and many are already at the forefront of this transformation, introducing technologies like EV charging and hydrogen-powered planes. 

The challenge relating to increasing passenger numbers present new hurdles, necessitating smart solutions for passenger flow management and collaboration between airports and start-ups is crucial for overcoming infrastructure challenges if we want to successfully accelerate the transition to a greener aviation industry. 

The growing demand for sustainable aviation underscores the industry's commitment to reducing its carbon footprint, and ultimately, a combination of technological advancements, supportive government policies, and a shift in consumer mindset will prove essential for achieving a sustainable future for our airports.

At Hyperion Executive Search, we work with pioneering cleantech start-ups who are helping decarbonize our land, sea and air. We come in by supporting founders and leadership teams to hire the very best talent across key functions and disciplines and at the senior, executive and board level. Get in touch to learn more about how we can support your business to reach new heights. 

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) predicts that by 2037, global passenger numbers will climb to 8.2bn annually, almost doubling current figures.


c-suite, hiring, talent, cleantech, emobility, future mobility