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Gridlock on the Road to eHGVs?

The UK's ambitious plans for electric heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) could be stalled by a surprising culprit - the power grid. That's according to a new report from Connected Energy which raises concerns that many existing electrical connections simply can't handle the high-powered chargers needed as we electrify more and more trucks.

Whilst HGVs only make up a small portion of vehicles on the road, they are major polluters so there is a real focus in finding a solution to keep clean trucks rolling. The only question is; will grid constraints put the brakes on progress?

We all know that electrifying heavy-duty transportation is undoubtedly complex. However, it's encouraging to see industry leaders (& seemingly Government) tackling the challenge head-on. Companies like Milence and the recently launched Relode, which is building a UK-wide network of gigawatt-scale power parks, certainly do offer hope. These efforts can meet the rising demand for electricity and support critical industries in confidently electrifying and decarbonising.

What are your thoughts? 

Grid constraints will prevent an effective rollout of the vehicles because of the higher amount of power that EV chargers for HGVs need.


future mobility, emobility