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| less than a minute read

How right wing parties discovered climate denial as a channel for their own agenda

I have often been wondering if it`s just may gut feeling that says climate change deniers are quite often also part of the far right wing political spectrum. 

Well, this podcast has shun a light on the connections between these two camps - and has discovered some interesting thought patterns they have in common. 

By and large, right wing parties intrumentalise the climate denying arguments without being really interested in the actual argument, mainly because they are not interested in science.

In addition, denying climate change is a simple, easy answer to a very complex problem - again, something extremists like. 

The dialogue also explains how social media is used o pedal these false truths and sell them as “science”.

If you are interested in further insights please listen to the podcast below - it is enlightening!



Wieso Rechtspopulisten so gern die Klimakrise leugnen


climate change