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Electric trucks are a reality - on European roads!

It is the next frontier for electric vehicles - the question whether batteries are really practical for heavy duty vehicles.

Well, a battery-powered Mercedes-Benz eActros truck unit has proved its readiness for work in the UK by completing a gruelling five-day, 1,400-mile journey around the country.

Hauling a standard road trailer, and fully freighted at 40 tonnes GVW, the eActros 600 easily saw off the challenge of this year’s EV Rally event.

Apart from the obvious advantage of the exhaust free engine, the participating drivers stated that it is really smooth, quiet and comfortable to drive - which contributes to a safer working environment.

At Hyperion we have already worked with other participants in the electric truck ecosystem like bp Pulse who are building out the EC charging infrastructure for trucks.

What are you thoughts on electric trucks? 


Mercedes-Benz eActros 600 Completes EV Rally Tour Around the A-Z of Britain


high performance, emobility, future mobility, batteries