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| 1 minute read

Fair Trade for a Green Future

In the UK, electric vehicle uptake continued to grow in June with EV's accounting for 19% of all new vehicle registrations. However, if we want to drive further uptake, we need secure the ever-increasing demand for battery minerals. To do this, the UK & Europe needs a new kind of trade deal, one that secures our supply chain AND keeps things clean. A new report from T&E suggests revamping Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) could be the key.

Imagine deals that incentivise ethical mining in resource-rich countries, whilst at the same time, helping them build their own green industries. Think FTAs that enforce environmental impact assessments and reward sustainable practices. This isn't about Europe getting a one-sided advantage. We need to work together with these countries to set global standards for the EV industry's future as the old way of doing things won't cut it. 

Alongside this article, whilst enjoying my morning cuppa, I read another piece from one of the fantastic candidates we placed at Trojan Energy, Mark Constable who made reference to our new Labour Governments view on UK automotive as the “jewel in our industrial crown”. As Mark said, hopefully that bodes well for battery manufacturing and the whole eMobility supply chain. Let's see how things develop but if our new Government focuses attention on securing a robust and resilient supply chain through smart trade deals, the EV revolution can be a win-win for everyone.

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As Europe races to secure the critical mineral needs for clean energy technologies, such as electric vehicles (EVs), agreeing trade partnerships will be critical as annual battery metal volumes in 2050 are estimated to be 4 to 10 times higher than today.


emobility, future mobility, batteries