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Real world Scalextric: Is this the answer to the future of EV Charging?

Founded in 2014, Swedish start-up Elonroad has developed a solution that embeds aluminium and rubber strips into existing roads. When a car drives over them, a radio signal is sent to identify if it’s a vehicle authorised to charge. If it is, it then switches on the current in the strip and the car picks it up as it drives. 

Consider it a real life Scalextric.

Whilst I admire innovation and particularly Swedish companies who innovate and deliver great products (think Volvo, Polestar, Einride, Spotify, IKEA), I am not quite sure this solution will replace the charging cable anytime soon.

As with wireless charging or battery swap technology, the tech requires vehicles to be designed in a way that allows them to charge/ be recharged. And there comes the problem, OEM's will need to be on board with bringing compatible cars to market or retrofitting existing models with the required tech. The power sits with them. Who will bear the cost? 

You've then got the cost of civils and the disruption to the road network to contend with, not least accessing the funding required to deliver the huge capex required to deliver the infrastructure. 

It is encouraging to see that several governments have already expressed interest in electric roads, prompted by legislation to phase out internal combustion engines from 2035. However, at an estimated cost of roughly €1m for every kilometre of electric road, I fear we could be wasting serious amounts of money - especially if you look at France who are currently building a trial two-and-a-half-mile stretch of electric motorway near Paris and later plan to build 3,000 to 4,000 km by 2030 if successful. 

I admire ambition and I admire disruption and innovation but what concerns me is when public money is spent on products and solutions that stretch the realms of reality yet rarely achieve the scale needed to make a positive impact for the masses. 

Having spent almost a decade recruiting into the global e-mobility sector, you could call me cynical. In truth, I'd love to see this tech deployed everywhere in years to come but at this moment in time we need solutions that are going to get more people into EV's faster, scalable solutions that reduce tailpipe emissions quicker and help accelerate the transition to electric vehicles much sooner, not in 2030/2035 - we simply cannot wait that long.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this? 

Since 2014, Hyperion Executive Search has been working with leading cleantech and climate tech start-ups to help deliver the exceptional talent needed to design, build and scale some of the most innovative solutions on the planet. From seed to exit, we're well versed with supporting founder led businesses to find the talent needed to achieve real growth. To learn more, please feel free to contact me directly via 

A kilometre of e-road will cost roughly €1m. A hefty amount, particularly given that battery tech continues to evolve and could hit a level where cars can travel long stretches without needing to charge — rendering electrified roads a less pressing investment.


investment, hiring, emobility, future mobility, climate tech, cleantech