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Funding Boost: Liverpool's EV Charging Infrastructure

As an extremely proud Scouser (Liverpudlian) who has been hiring into the global eMobility sector since 2016, I am very pleased to see the continued effort my city is making to support the transition to electric vehicles.

Announced this week, the Mayor and Combined Authority has committed more than £10m to grow the number of electric vehicle charging points across the Liverpool City Region. The funding will support the development of both the on-street charging network and the number of installations in car parks, railway stations as well as developing more fast charging hubs across the city. 

This is great to hear, especially having recently moderated a panel at Solar & Storage Live where I was, even to my surprise, uncharacteristically critical of my city and ‘The North’ in general with regards to its speed in rolling out EV Infrastructure compared to London and the South.

As the first city in the country to declare a climate emergency and with ambition to reach net zero carbon by 2040, you need to give credit where credit is due.  Don't get me wrong, with only 600 publicly available charge points across the region, there's still a lot of work to be done but I'm glad we are making a conscious effort to increase that number, creating an array of new, green job opportunities and helping reduce emissions and improve air quality within the city. 

I am also very pleased that the Liverpool City Region seems to be making great progress to improve and expand the region’s on-street charging network - particularly supporting residents without off-street parking facilities or driveways. If we want to transition away from petrol and diesel powered vehicles, we need to ensure those who cannot charge at home are supported so that nobody is left behind in the transition. 

With a head office in Liverpool City Region, we at Hyperion Executive Search are proud to be working with some of the most innovative charge point operators in the country, helping identify exceptional talents to deliver and deploy innovative on-street and destination charging solutions to many cities across the UK.

If you are looking to scale your business from C-Suite, Executive and Leadership level to building out commercial, operational and projects teams, we have over a decade of experience to help you do so. please get in touch with me directly via to learn more.   

Not only are we increasing the number of electric vehicle charging points across our region, but improving access for those households without driveways or off-street parking, which will make it much easier for people to switch to greener forms of transport.


c-suite, emobility, future mobility