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How much of your personal information should you share on Linked In?

In today's LinkedIn landscape there is growing trend for the platform to being used much like Facebook, with individuals sharing not only professional updates but also personal information and photos. After all, personal branding sells, right? But how much of the personal information is actually OK to share?

I came across this new research that delved into the impact of mental health disclosures on evaluations of job candidates, shedding light on the enduring stigma surrounding this issue in professional contexts. The study provides a compelling reason to consider how much personal information is suitable for sharing in the professional sphere.

The findings indicate that candidates who openly disclosed their mental health challenges faced subtle bias and, unfortunately, often encountered hurdles in the hiring process. These results emphasise the need for a thoughtful approach to sharing personal experiences on platforms like LinkedIn.

I think it’s important to strike a balance when it comes to sharing personal information on a professional network. If you aim to find a new role, you should approach your online presence on platforms like LinkedIn with discretion, focusing on what can empower your careers. 

It's essential to remember that while transparency and authenticity are laudable virtues, the professional environment might not always be the most receptive place for certain personal disclosures. Striking a balance between personal and professional content is vital to ensuring your career progression isn't hindered by any biases that still persist.

Typically you cannot ‘un-share’ what you share, be sure it's something you are comfortable with and lead you to regret in the future.

Over the last decade, more and more people have become comfortable with openly discussing their mental health. While we’re all familiar with these disclosures on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter(/X), many have also taken to opening up on LinkedIn, a professional networking platform. Given that mental health is still stigmatised in the workplace, some may describe this as a bold move.


c-suite, candidates, careers, talent