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Hyperion Executive Search: Talking Urban Mobility and Community Enhancement

I've been attending Solar & Storage Live for a number of years now. As the UK's largest renewable energy exhibition, the event brings together the leading voices of the industry to showcase the innovations, tackle the challenges and share the successes and on-going activities associated with achieving net zero. 

Over the years, the event has broadened its focus purely from residential and commercial solar, placing more emphasis on storage, batteries, decarbonisation of heat and transport, electric vehicles, electric vehicle infrastructure and future mobility. 

Last year I participated in a panel to address the skill shortages broadly across the sector and the need to create a pathway to industry for our future leaders via training and apprenticeships. 

This time, I am delighted to be moderating a panel on 18th October where we will be discussing urban mobility and how the focus on sustainability, innovation, inclusion and accessibility has helped change urban areas for the better in recent years. I'll be joined by Catherine Marris, Head of Innovation at Motability Foundation, Matt Ralfe, Innovation Manager at Nottingham City Council and George Beard, Head of New Mobility at TRL. 

If you are attending, we would love your participation in our talk to get your take and experience on urban mobility and how it can enhance our communities. 

Register for free tickets here:  


renewableenergy, cleantech, urbanmobility, futuremobility, future mobility, emobility